My June Bug who turned into a MayFlower !

” Looks like we can get you checked in tonight and you can meet your baby by tomorrow!” exclaimed my doctor excitedly…three weeks before my baby was set to arrive. You see, he was supposed to be my Juneย bug ( the delivery date was supposed to be mid Juneย ).

Wait….hold that thought….You mean I can hold my newborn tomorrow…as in 24 hours from now ? That’s all I could think of at that moment. I know I was supposed to feel nervous. Maybe unprepared even. But how could I be unprepared? I had been preparing for nine months for my little June bug to arrive. Forget nine months. I had been preparing since the very beginning.

I think girls-whether we like to admit it or not-are born with this maternal DNA inside of us. Whether its the first time we hold that fake baby doll, or when we see a younger sibling for the very first time, or even the times we casually stroll across the baby aisle at target-its all there within us. So yes, I was prepared. You see, fathers are rock stars but they become those rock stars once the baby is born. A mother becomes a mother the day she finds out that she’s pregnant. The wait was over.

From time to time life throws us a curve ball. Instead of giving us lemons to work with, it gives us lemonade when we least expect it. But just because we get our lemonade before time, doesn’t mean we cant sit back and enjoy it ๐Ÿ™‚

After 24 hours, Mustafa Ameer Ali arrived into this world on May 23rd, 2016- and I fell in love all over again ! What else can I say about motherhood that has not been said before. Lets just say, that most of it-if not all- is true.

And, this is how my June Bug turned into a May Flower.

Share your own experiences and leave comments below. Let us know your story about when you got your lemonade before time….

9 thoughts on “My June Bug who turned into a MayFlower !

  1. Ayza, I had Zoya 3 weeks ahead if time as well and oh my gosh – It was the most thrilling thought ever that she will be with me in a matter of few hours! Its the most fun when life gives us these small but precious surprises!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Ayza! this is so great ๐Ÿ™‚ I always love hearing about the experiences of motherhood and I’m excited to see more!

    Ibby was born 2 weeks late, he went from a November baby to a December baby! lol Was a waiting time that felt like forever.

    love and kisses to you and Musti โค


    1. But he was totally worth the wait I’m sure! Also, December is the most amazing time of the year ! He came just in time for the new year to start ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Great piece – as moms, we feel the immense pressure to control it all. It’s refreshing to read a piece which tells us to let go and just enjoy! Instead of worrying that the baby is coming early and we aren’t prepared , keep the eye on the prize! Looking forward to reading more ….


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